Selection for County Teams
You’ve now been shooting on your own for a while-enjoying it and progressing well:but now you’d like a new challenge.
Consider shooting for your County.
There are many benefits to involving yourself in team shooting. Firstly shooting with other people is enjoyable, of course in a competition only one team can win but there is a huge sense of achievement in working together to achieve a good score.
Secondly, shooting in a team allows you to break down your shooting into core components. No good at reading those longer range clays– get someone else to give you feedback and learn from it. Alternatively, nothing improves your shooting more, than by being in the company of experienced shots.
Thirdly, If you want to get noticed and picked for bigger teams like your chosen country, you’ll need to be demonstrating that you are good in a team situation and are a team player. Shooting in County matches is the best way to get noticed and to prove your ability.
Up for the challenge, but don’t know where to start? Your first point of contact should be your County’s Coordinator for your chosen discipline. Find out from them where the County Shoots will be held and when-these dates are normally posted on the WCTSA Events & Facebook pages and if you decide to give it a go, book yourself on and enjoy the experience.